Metadata Project

Ranking (part 3): Lists and rankings as an undervalued dimension of the Internet

The British media theorist and sociologist Adrian McKenzie has recently sketched out his idea about the Internet as a medium of lists. I found his talk on a workshop at Goldsmiths highly inspiring. It struck me that rankings in particular,…

Story and backstory in the age of metadata - A conversation with Sikii-san

With Sikii-san (id:sikii_j) we were able to interview another highly prominent Imas-blogger. Sikii-san is based in Kyoto, but Takashiro-san originally met him in Tokyo, where the members of Nico Nico Bu organised an offline meeting to meet…

Tag-Wars: A conversation with Hamano Satoshi san

(We transferred this entry from another blog, originally it was written May 10th) Hamano-san, the media theorist of Nico Nico Douga!Hamano-san is a researcher at Nihon Gigei Inc, and one of the few, who has started to write the media theor…

Nico Nico Douga research has started

Our research on the Japanese video sharing platform Nico Nico Douga has started its hot phase: We conduct ethnographic research for 6 weeks in Tokyo and Osaka and talk about Nico Nico Douga with as much people as possible: How is it used? …